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Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For Women


1. Anti Ageing

One of the most popular benefits of evening primrose oil for skin is reduction in signs of ageing. It is incredibly moisturising in nature, and has potent antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it an excellent ingredient to prevent premature ageing as well as reduce the signs of ageing. Apply this oil onto your skin to fight wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. In addition to using this oil, consider including sources of these anti-ageing vitamins in your diet.


2. Hormonal Balance In Women

Next on the benefits of evening primrose oil list is improved hormonal balance in women. Genetics as well as diet and lifestyle factors lead to severe hormonal imbalance in women, resulting in other problems like weight gain, painful menstruation, infertility, fatigue, and PCOS. This oil is wonderful for establishing balance in hormone levels. It relieves PMS as well as menopause symptoms. One study found that evening primrose oil pills could successfully reduce the frequency as well as severity of hot flashes in menopausal women.


3. Hair Growth

Ayurvedic doctors often prescribe evening primrose oil hair loss in both men and women. It supplies the scalp with GLA, a fatty acid that is linked to hair fall prevention. As we just spoke about, this oil tackles hormonal imbalance, a common cause and contributor to hair loss. When applied topically, it hydrates the scalp, fights dandruff, strengthens the hair, and improves texture. Here’s a list of other natural remedies for hair fall you could try.


4. Clears Off Acne

One of the well-known evening primrose oil uses is treating acne that results from hormonal imbalance in adult women. The fatty acids in this ingredient regulate hormone secretion in the body, and thus effectively eliminate acne as the symptom. See a doctor to determine whether hormonal issues are the cause of your skin problem. If yes, this oil may be a good solution.


5. Lightens Dark Spots

If you have dark spots and patches on your skin, you could give evening primrose oil a try. It has been found to work as a toner for the skin by reducing hyper-pigmentation. Again, when hormones are at the root of the problem, evening primrose oil can be significantly helpful. It also helps lighten tanned skin.


6. Soothes Eczema

Eczema is characterised by dry, rough, itchy, and inflamed skin. A few studies have found that evening primrose oil was significantly effective at soothing the symptoms of eczema and supporting healing. At this point, it’s not clear exactly why, and more studies are needed to confirm it. But it’s worth discussing with your doctor about.

Primeva Evening Primrose Oil 30 Softgel Capsule

SKU: 632651
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